This Privacy Policy and Personal Data Processing Policy (hereinafter – the Privacy Policy), in accordance with Part 2 of Article 18.1 of the Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ of 27.07.2006 “On Personal Data”, applies to all information posted on the website at, which the Controller receives or may receive from the User as a result of the use of the site, its services, programs and products.

The use of the website services means the User's unconditional consent to this Policy and the terms of processing his/her personal information specified herein; in case of disagreement with these terms, the User shall refrain from using the services.


The following terms and definitions the following meaning for the purposes of this policy have:

‘Personal Data’ refer to any information relating to an identified or identifiable person (data subject); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, year, month, date and place of birth, address, e-mail, telephone number, marital, social, property status, education, profession, income, and other information. For the purposes of this policy, personal data means both information that the User provides about himself/herself when using the Site and information that is automatically transmitted to the Controller in the process of using the Service with the help of software installed on the User's device, including IP-address, cookie data, information about the User's browser, technical characteristics of equipment and software used by the User, date and time of access to the Service, addresses of requested website pages, and other such information. In addition, for the purposes of this policy personal data also includes information about the User, the processing of which is necessary for the use of the Service. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 188 as of March 6, 1997 personal data refers to information of a confidential nature.

‘Controller’ refers to a Limited Liability Company ‘VIM Tech’, OGRN 1147746085750, INN 7730700872, KPP 505001001, with office at: 141190, Moscow region, city district Fryazino, city of Fryazino, Vostochnaya Zavodskaya industrial territory, 16, premises 629, 631, that processes personal data and determines the purposes of personal data processing, scope of the personal data being processed, actions (operations) performed towards personal data.

‘User’ refers to any natural person (data subject) including acting on behalf and in the interests of a legal entity, who may, as a result of using the Service, provide the Controller with his/her personal data, either on his/her own or through a legal entity represented by him/her, expressing consent to the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy by accepting (expressing) them, or including by actions implied by conduct aimed at using the Service. The User in the context of this Policy is also persons whose personal data are processed by the Controller on behalf of the User of the Service contained in the Agreement. Personal data may be received by the Controller from a person who is not the data subject (representative), if applicable (Clause 8, Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ of 27.07.2006 “On Personal Data”).
‘Service’, ‘Site’, ‘Personal Data Information System’, ‘Information System’ refer to a website on the Internet at which is a resource for placing the information and making it available to the public by the website Administration. The Service includes a set of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photo and video materials, and other results of intellectual activity.

‘Agreement’ refers to a set of legal documents, including this Policy, consent to the processing of personal data, user or any other agreement between the User and the Controller, regulating the procedure and rules for the use of the Service and containing the User's consent for data processing, concluded either by signing them, or by actions implied by conduct aimed at the use of the Service.

‘Processing of personal data’ refers to any actions (operations) performed on personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction.

‘Automated processing of personal data’ refers to processing of personal data by means of computer equipment.

‘Distribution of personal data’ refers to actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to an indefinite circle of persons.

‘Provision of personal data’ refers to actions aimed at transferring personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons.

‘Blocking of personal data’ refers to the freezing of data for a specific period of time (except for cases when processing is necessary to clarify personal data).

‘Destruction of personal data’ refers to the process of making personal data non-retrievable in the personal data information system and (or) when data carriers of personal data are physically destroyed.

‘Depersonalization of personal data’ refers to actions as a result of which it is impossible to determine the belonging of personal data to a particular data subject without using additional information.

‘Use of personal data’ refers to actions (operations) performed on personal data for the purposes of making decisions, transactions or other actions that give rise to legal consequences in respect of data subjects or otherwise affect their rights and freedoms or the rights and freedoms of other persons.

‘Publicly available personal data’ refer to personal data that the general public can legally access without the subject's consent or to which, in accordance with Federal laws,confidentiality does not apply.

‘Confidentiality of personal data’ refers to the requirement for the person who has access to personal data of inadmissibility to provide and / or distribute personal data without the data subject consent or any other legal basis.

‘Cookies’, ‘cookie file’ refer to a small piece of data a web server sends to a User’s web browser and stored on the User's device. Cookies are small text files of information created when visiting a website. They allow us to store and retrieve identifying information and other information on computers, smartphones, phones and other devices. The specifications for cookies are defined in RFC 2109 and RFC 2965. Other technologies are used for the same purposes, including data stored by browsers or devices, device ID, and other software. In this policy, all of these technologies are referred to as cookies.

‘Web Beacons’ refer to any electronic image files (generally 1-by-1 pixel or blank GIF images). Web beacons can help the Controller recognize certain types of information on the User's device such as cookies, when a User viewed a particular web page and description of the page where the web beacon is placed.

‘Counter’ refers to a computer program that uses a code fragment installed on a website, responsible for analyzing cookies and collecting statistical and personal data of this website. Personal data are anonymized.

‘IP-address’ refers to a number from Internet number resource of the data transmission network based on the IP protocol (RFC 791) that uniquely identifies the subscriber’s terminal (computer, smartphone, tablet, or other device) or means of communication included in the information system and belonging to the User when providing telematic communication services, including access to the Internet.

All other terms and definitions used in the text of this Policy shall be interpreted by the Parties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, current recommendations (RFC) of international standards organizations, and accepted rules of interpretation of relevant terms commonly used on the Internet. In addition, the terms from GOST R ISO 9241-151-2014, GOST R ISO 9241-161-2016, GOST 7.83-2001, GOST 7.4-95, GOST 7.9-95 (ISO 214-76), GOST 7. 60-2003, GOST 7.82-2001, GOST R 56824-2015, GOST R 55386-2012, GOST R 56823-2015, GOST R 53632-2009, GOST R 56826-2015, GOST R 5886-2018, GOST R 58223-2018, GOST R ISO/MEQ 24730-1-2017 are used in this Policy.

Terms and definitions used in this Policy may be used both in the singular and plural depending on the context, and either uppercase or lower-case letters may be used.

The titles and headings (of articles), as well as the structure of the text of this Policy, are intended solely for convenience of use of the text of the Policy and do not have any legal effect.

This Policy has been developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 149-ФЗ as of 27.07.2006 “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ as of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”, and other Federal laws.

This Policy shall come into force from the moment of its approval by the Controller and shall continue in force indefinitely until replaced by a new policy.

The Controller is entitled to make changes to this Policy without the User's consent.

This Privacy Policy applies only to the website The Controller does not control and is not responsible for the websites of third parties the links to which are available on the Service and the User clicks his way to such websites.

Processing of the User's personal data may also be performed on the basis of the User's separate consent to such processing, which may be expressed, among other things, directly when using the Service by clicking on the appropriate button (i.e. by filling out a form to send the request) or by ticking the corresponding checkbox.

Purposes of personal data collection

The Controller processes only those personal data necessary for providing services (including after finishing using the site - if a response to a request is required, for example), except where the legislation of the Russian Federation requires obligatory storage of personal information for a specified period.

When processing personal data, the Controller does not combine databases containing personal data processed in a way incompatible with the purposes specified in the Policy.

The Controller processes the User's personal data for the following purposes:

  • to use personal data of the Users who are natural persons using the Service on their own behalf, for the purposes of providing information and services, requesting and receiving information, etc.;
  • to use personal data of the Users who are natural persons using the Service on behalf of a natural or legal person represented by them, for the purposes of providing information and services, requesting and receiving information, etc.;
  • to conduct statistical or any other study concerning the use of the Service using anonymized data;
  • to provide effective customer and technical support to the User in case of problems related the Service;
  • to confirm the accuracy and completeness of the personal data provided by the User (for example, in case the User expresses interest in the services provided by the Controller (for the purposes of business collaboration));
  • to comply with obligatory requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The scope and categories of processed personal data, categories of data subjects

Personal data that can be processed as defined in this Policy and provided by the Users who are natural persons using the Service on their own behalf by filling in the appropriate fields, may include the following information:
  • Full name including patronymic, if applicable;
  • mobile phone number;
  • e-mail.

Personal data that can be processed as defined in this Policy and provided by the Users who are natural persons using the Service on behalf of a natural or legal person they represent by filling in the appropriate fields, may include the following information:

  • Full name including patronymic, if applicable;
  • mobile phone number;
  • e-mail.

Personal data that can be processed as defined in this Policy and automatically transferred to the Controller in the process of using the Service with the help of the software installed on the User's device may include the following information:

  • IP address of the User's device;
  • information from cookies;
  • information from counters;
  • information from web beacons;
  • information about the User's browser;
  • technical characteristics of the device and software;
  • date and time of access;
  • addresses of the pages;
  • geographical coordinates of the User's location.

In accordance with this policy, the Controller processes personal data of persons belonging to the following categories of data subjects:

● individuals using the Service on their own behalf;
● individuals using the Service on behalf of a natural or legal person they represent.

Methods and terms of processing personal information

Processing of the User's personal data is carried out not longer than the time needed to meet the purposes of personal data processing by any lawful means, including in information systems using data privacy automation tools.

The User's personal data shall be kept confidential, except for cases when the User voluntarily provides information about himself/herself for public access to an unlimited circle of persons.

The Controller is entitled to transfer the User's personal data to third parties in the following cases:

  • there is an express consent of the User for such actions;
  • the transfer is necessary for the User's use of a certain functionality of the Service or for the fulfillment of a certain agreement, contract or transaction with the User;
  • the transfer is stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation or other applicable legislation within the framework of the procedure established by the legislation;
  • in the event of transfer of rights to the Service, personal data must be transferred to the transferee simultaneously with the transfer of all obligations to comply with the terms of this Policy in relation to the personal data received by the transferee;
  • in case it is necessary to ensure the possibility of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the Controller or third parties when the User violates this Policy;
  • in other cases stipulated by the legislation.

In case of loss or unauthorized disclosure of personal data, the Controller informs the User about this fact.

The Controller takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the User's personal data from illegal or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties, according to the procedure commonly used to protect such information in business practice.

The Controller together with the User takes all necessary measures to prevent losses or other negative consequences caused by the loss or unauthorized disclosure of the User's personal data.

The Controller is entitled to transfer personal data to the bodies of inquiry and investigation, other authorized bodies on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

When collecting personal data, the Controller shall record, systematize, accumulate, store, clarify (update, change), extract personal data of the Users who are citizens of the Russian Federation using databases located in the Russian Federation.

The Controller ceases to process the User's personal data that was processed with the User's consent if the consent to the personal data processing is expired or revoked, as well as in case of detection unlawful processing of personal data or liquidation of the Controller.

Cookie, web beacons, and counters for collecting personal information

Cookies transmitted from the Controller to the User's device and from the User to the Controller may be used by the Controller for the purposes of personal data processing in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

The Controller uses different types of cookies that serve different purposes and, depending on them, may be classified as one of the following:

Required cookies that are strictly necessary for the functioning of a website and making payments by the User;

Functional cookies that allow the User to interact with the interface of the Service and use its features, remember certain information and customize the Service in accordance with the needs of the User. Without these cookies, the Service will not be able to provide certain functions such as memorizing the information entered by the User, saving the language the User chose etc.;

Analytics cookies or statistical cookies that help to improve the performance of the Service and make it more convenient for the Users. Analytical cookies are deployed to receive information about the quality and/or efficiency of the Service and its services, which helps to understand how the Users use the Service and how they use the Collector's services.

The Collector does not directly ask for consent when using required cookies. If the User does not want his/her personal data to be collected using required cookies, he/she can turn cookies off in the software (browser) on his/her device. In this case, the User will no longer have access to the functionality of the Service related to required cookies, which may lead to incorrect operation of the Service or the Service will not work.

The Collector may use functional and analytics cookies only with the User's consent, which is generally expressed by accepting the Agreement and starting to use the Service. Otherwise, the User is entitled to turn cookies off in the settings of the Service without affecting its functionality.

The User agrees that his devices and software used to work with the Service, depending on their version and configuration, may or may not have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies for any sites and applications, as well as the function of deleting cookies (for example, private mode of the browser).

The Controller is entitled to require to use of cookies for security reasons.

The structure of the cookie file, its content and technical parameters are determined by the Collector and may be changed without prior notice to the User. The User is entitled to obtain all necessary information about the cookies by sending a request to the Collector in accordance with the procedure established by the Privacy Policy.

Counters the Controller uses in the Service may be used by the Controller to analyze cookies and collect personal data on the use of the Service in order to improve the quality of the Service, the level of usability. The technical parameters of the counters are determined by the Controller and may be changed without prior notice to the User.

The Controller may also use web beacons both separately and together with cookies to collect information about the use of the Service. The User has the right to block web beacons when using the Service by prohibiting the downloading of images in the settings of their software (browser).

Obligations of the parties

The User is obliged to:
Provide information about personal data necessary for using the Site.
Update and supplement the provided information about personal data in case of changes.

The Collector is obliged to:
Use the received information exclusively for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.
Ensure confidentiality of confidential information, not to disclose it without prior written permission of the User, as well as not to sell, exchange, publish or disclose by other possible means the transferred personal data of the User, except as provided for in this Privacy Policy.

Take precautions to protect the confidentiality of the User's personal data in accordance with the procedures generally used to protect this type of information in business practice.

Block personal data related to the respective User from the moment of application or request of the User or his/her legal representative or authorized body for protection of data subjects’ rights for the period of verification in case of detection of unreliable personal data or unlawful actions. The Controller provides free of charge the opportunity to familiarize with the personal data of the User processed and stored in the Controller's information system upon the User's request within thirty days from the date of receipt of the User's written request.

In case the Controller refuses to provide information on the availability of the User’s personal data or personal data to the User upon the User's application or request, the Controller shall provide in writing a reasoned response with the grounds for such refusal within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of the User's application or from the date of receipt of the User's request.

Consent to personal data processing

The User decides to provide his/her personal data and consents to their processing voluntarily, of his/her own free will and in his/her own interest.

The consent to the processing of personal data provided by the User is specific, informed and conscious.

If the User's personal data is processed for the purpose of concluding agreements or contracts between the User and the Controller (business collabortaion) (including with the use of the Service), such processing of the User's personal data is carried out on the basis of paragraph 5 of Article 6 of the Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ as of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and does not require a separate consent.

Consent to the processing of personal data may be evoked by the User in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Final provisions

The beginning of the use of the Service by the User means his agreement with the terms of this Policy. If the User does not agree with the terms of this Policy, the User should immediately stop using the Service.

The Controller who has not fulfilled its obligations, shall be liable for losses incurred by the User due to unauthorized use of personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In case of loss or disclosure of confidential information, the Controller shall not be liable if this confidential information:

  • is already public before its loss or disclosure;
  • was received from a third party prior to its receipt by the Controller;
  • was disclosed with the User's consent.

Before suing in court on disputes arising from the relations between the User and the Controller, it is obligatory to submit a claim (a written proposal for voluntary dispute settlement).

Within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim, the recipient of the claim shall notify the claimant of the results of the claim consideration in writing.

In case of failure to reach an agreement, the dispute will be referred to the court for consideration in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Privacy Policy and relations between the User and the Controller.

This Policy is permanently publicly available on the Controller's website at

The User is entitled to address all suggestions or questions regarding this Policy to the user support service by sending an e-mail message to

Company details

OGRN 1147746085750
INN 7730700872
KPP 505001001
Registered office:
141190, Moscow region,
city district Fryazino, city of Fryazino,
Vostochnaya Zavodskaya industrial
territory, 16, premises 629, 631